It's possible!
Online communication and social media have become indispensable. Looking for a professional photographer for your online marketing campaign? Are you producing a company vlog and need a professional vlog trainer, scriptwriter and videographer? A partner that makes it possible to work with every photographer and videographer and vlogger in the world without creating new suppliers? It’s possible!
Boundless working with One Invoice. From concept to streaming of online events and hybrid meetings, scriptwriting, aftermovie, planning & production, hiring audio and video equipment and staging. One Invoice gives you the freedom to work with every imaginable photographer and videographer worldwide, despite an embargo on the creation of new suppliers.
We take over the payment
We even take over the financial processing of the supplier invoices. The prepayment to the photographer or videographer, the payment by credit card for the rental of audio and video equipment and your online payment of a newsletter subscription. Financial records happy, supplier happy, you happy.